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Abstract: The purpose of the study was to build a model to explain the effect of Total Factor Productivity on economic growth in Kenya for the period 1970-2015 after accounting for labour and capital productivity. ARDL bounds test of co-integration is employed and the Error Correction Model reveals that the Total Factor Productivity Components of Foreign Aid and Financial Development have insignificant effect on economic growth and null hypotheses are accepted, while Foreign Direct Investment has significant effect on Economic Growth and the null hypothesis is rejected. The significant Error Correction Terms reveal multidirectional causality between Foreign Direct Investment, Economic Growth and Foreign Aid while there is unidirectional causality between Economic.......
Keywords: Total Factor Productivity (TFP), Economic Growth, ARDL, Kenya JEL Classification: 047, 040, C51, C22
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Abstract: Planning is important to determine the overall objectives of the company and efforts to meet these objectives. Managers always act as someone who seeks alternatives to achieve the ultimate goal. PT Mayora applies an ISO management system in addition to the needs of the food industry in particular is how to increase profit margins and organizational efficiency so as to increase customer satisfaction. Therefore this problem needs to be anticipated by issuing a method to carry out risk analysis or risk analysis of hazards caused by food in the process of providing it and at the same time requires a quality management method that can control and improve continuous improvement. Through this ISO 22000 forwarder, PT Mayora indah hopes to guarantee the safety of its products to be consumed and make continuous improvements.
Keywards: management; economy; trading; consumer goods
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Abstract: Financial performance of public water companies is increasingly gaining attention in the water sector. Theoretically, there is consensus that viability of an organization is related to its financial performance. The aim of the study was to evaluate the factors affecting financial performance of water service providers in Kenya. Specific objectives were: to assess the effect of debt collection period on financial performance of water service providers in Kenya; to assess the effect of metering ratio on financial performance of water service providers in Kenya; to evaluate the effect of number of customer connections on financial performance of water service providers in Kenya; to evaluate the effect of maintenance cost coverage on financial performance of Water Service Providers in Kenya. A descriptive survey...........
Keywords: Water Service, Financial performance, Metering Ratio, Debt Collection, Maintenance Cost and Water Service Providers
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Abstract: Cash conversion cycle is a significant financial metric that used to determine the efficiency of converting organization's inventory into sales and orderly into cash. It is also one of most widely used measure in liquidity management on assessing capabilities of current assets and liabilities. To be successful and remain, profitability would necessarily concerned by organizations at their business operations. Therefore, the present study aimed to examine the relationship between cash conversion cycle and profitability of manufacturing sector organizations listed in Colombo Stock Exchange. As a proxy of independent variables inventory conversion period, debtor conversion period and creditor conversion period combined to derive the cash conversion cycle (CCC) while profitability which........
Keywords; Cash Conversion Cycle, Return on Assets, Return on Equity, Profitability
[1]. Amit, K. Mallik,Debashish Sur &Rakshit, D. (2005). Working Capital and Profitability: AStudy on their Relationship with Reference to Selected Companies in Indian Pharmaceutical Industry. GITAM Journal of Management, Vol.3, pp51-62.
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Abstract: The government has greater financial resources than the private, so the government spending on the economy is relatively bigger than private investment. Therefore, to achieve the objectives of economic development effectively, the determination of government spending is needed to carry out appropriately according to the regional potential. In Southeast Sulawesi Province, Indonesia, the government spending on the agricultural sector is about 5.77 percent from the total expenditure. The goal of this study is to determine the effect of regional government spending on the agricultural and non-agricultural sectors toward the employment opportunities, output and poverty. This study uses an econometric model with simultaneous system equations to estimate the time series data from 2003-2015 period. The estimation results show that the increase in regional government spending does not significantly increase the labors absorption and output value, and reduce the number of poverties.
Keywords:Local government spending, employment opportunities, output, poverty
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of corporate governance, corporate social responsibility and intellectual capital on profitability in halal certified food industry companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2013-2016. The variable used is the independent variable and the dependent variable. The dependent variable is the variable profitability. The independent variables are the variables of corporate governance, corporate social responsibility and intellectual capital. The study population was all halal certified food industry companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange with samples that met the requirements of 11 companies. Data analysis method used is multiple linear regression analysis, with the help of SPSS software. The results of the study show that corporate governance has no significant effect on profitability. Corporate social responsibility has no significant effect on profitability. Intellectual capital has a positive and significant effect on profitability.
Keywords: good corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, profitability, intellectual capital
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Abstract: Microfinance is provision of small amount of institutional credit and saving to jointly liable low income people, who are unable to obtain loans from formal sector banks for lack of collateral. There has been a decrease in in employment levels, client's business closures and cash flow problems in Microfinance institutions in Kenya which is occasioned by high default or non repayment of loans lend to borrowers. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the factors influencing loan default among group borrowers in microfinance banks in Kenya. The study was carried out in microfinance bank in Kenya. The theories discussed were; Pearson Greeff Theory, Group Developmental Stage Theory, Grameen theory and Peer pressure model. The study adopted descriptive research design. A survey..........
Keywords: (Grameen Theory, Group Life Cycle, Loan Cycle, Loan Default, Microfinance)
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Abstract: The aim of thisconceptual paper is to highlights about the strategies usefor the acceptability of Islamic microfinance institutions in northern Nigeria.Theobjectives of the paper are to discuss the acceptability and strategies of Islamic microfinance and its challenges in Nigerian banking industry. In particular, as this article will demonstrate and provide politically and economically marginalized consumers with an alternative public space or sphere in which to articulate issues pertinent to their social lives, political, and economic realities.
Keywords: Strategies, acceptance, Islamic microfinance banks, Nigeria
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Abstract: The objective of this research was to study the effect of educational cost and service quality on student trust at Economic Higher Education Institution in Jakarta Province mediated by higher education image. This research used quantitative approach with survey method. The sample of this research was 194 students selected randomly. The data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics and path analysis in inferential statistics. The results of the research could be concluded that: educational cost, service quality, and higher education image had direct effect on student trust; educational cost and service quality had direct effect and higher education image on student trust. Therefore, in order to improve student trust, then, educational cost, service quality, and higher education image should be improved.
Keywords: image, service quality, cost, and trust.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Territorial Development: Literature Review |
Country | : | Morocco |
Authors | : | Mounya Tomas || Hamid Aitlemqeddem |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/5933-0906028288 ![]() |
Abstract: Today, many countries are interested in the territorial issues and more particularly in territorial development and the conditions necessary for its implementation. The objective of this article is to present a review of the literature related to the territorial development: It is a question of highlighting the different approaches, conceptions, theories, contexts and contributions made in previous researches and empirical studies in order to propose our own model of the 'state of the art. The aim is therefore to identify the relationships between ideas and practices and to better understand the empirical realities..
Keywords: Territory, strategy, Territorial development, actors.
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[3]. BelkaidEsmaEpseAlili (2013), "Marketing of the city and involvement of its stakeholders Case of the city of Tlemcen", PhD thesis, Abu BakrBelkaid-Tlemcen University.
[4]. Bernard Pecqueur (2005), "Territorial development a new approach to development processes for the economies of the South", part of the book, AntheaumeBenoît, GirautFréderique "The territory is dead: long live the territories! IRD edition, P 295-316, France.
[5]. Billaudot, Bernard. (2004), "Development and growth" The conceptual issues of current debates, communication presented during the first days of development of GRES 16.
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Abstract: The objective of the research was to determine regional economic and high ranking sectors in Deli Serdang Regency as the object of information and economic development planning. The data were secondary data with time series of Gross Domestic Product in Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatera in the period of 2012-2016. The data were analyzed by using Klassen Typology, Location Quotient, and Shift Share analyses. The result of the research showed that the sectors which rapidly grow in the same sectors in Klassen Typology and Location Quotient analyses are procurement..........
Keywords: high ranking sector, klassen typology, location quotient, shift
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